Nov 25, 2008

Great fundraising IS possible during tough times.

Gail Perry MBA, CFRE
Let's face it. With the global economy tanking, philanthropy is taking a back seat in many people's minds. Whether donors are experiencing a cash crunch or not, the real problem is that many people are simply not feeling like giving right now. It's their attitude that has changed as much as anything.

Here is what smart fundraisers need to do now.

Focus on your core supporters. This is not the best time to seek new friends and donors for your organization. One of my great mottos is: "When you need funding, always go to your current donors first."

Why? Current donors are already "pre-sold" on your mission and your great work. They are already on your bandwagon because they have already invested in your organization.

Above all, don't let them drift away during this economic turmoil. Donor attrition is a terrible problem in our industry - we are losing our donors because we never spend enough time on them.

For the rest of my article, please click here:

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